FY 2008-2009 THROUGH FY 2012-2013
The Sabine River Authority of Louisiana will be the premier agency of the State to facilitate economic development and promote recreation, tourism, and retirement within the Sabine River Basin of Louisiana.
The mission of the Sabine River Authority of Louisiana, consistent with Louisiana Revised Statutes 38:2321, et. seq., and with Article 48 of the Federal Power Commission License, Project 2305, is to provide for economic utilization and preservation of the waters of the Sabine River and its tributaries by promoting economic development, irrigation, navigation, improved water supply, drainage, public recreation, and hydroelectric power for the citizens of Louisiana.
The Sabine River Authority of Louisiana will attain its mission through its commitment of integrity, professionalism, respect for the individual, teamwork, innovation, and excellence.
GOAL I: To strengthen SRA’s financial ability to service debt obligations, support existing programs, and implement new programs.
OBJECTIVE I. (A): To maintain revenues from recreational fees, payments from the Cypress Bend Resort and water sales from Toledo Bend Reservoir to at least $1,316,000 in order to establish and maintain a reserve fund at $3.5 million by the year 2013.
STRATEGY I. (A). 1: Operate, maintain and improve the existing nine multi-service recreation areas on the Toledo Bend Reservoir with an excess of revenue over direct operating expenses.
STRATEGY I. (A). 2: Maintain partnerships with existing water customers and continue to promote water sales from the Toledo Bend Reservoir.
STRATEGY I. (A). 3: Collect fees at Sabine River Authority recreation sites.
OBJECTIVE II. (B): Develop Water Supply as the primary source of revenue to support the Toledo Bend Project in lieu of Hydroelectric Power Production by 2018.
STRATEGY II. (B): Identify and develop markets to utilize the water of the Sabine River Basin, its tributaries and reservoirs, for municipal, industrial, and agricultural purposes.
PI 1: Revenue from selected sources
PI 2: Revenues from water sales from reservoir
PI 3: Revenues from recreation site visitors
PI 4: Revenues from Cypress Bend Resort
PI 5: Revenue from Power Generation
Input: Annual resource allocation
Output: Dollars received from selected sources
Dollars received from water sales
Dollars received from recreation site visitors
Dollars received from Cypress Bend Resort
Dollars received from Power Generation
Outcome: Sufficient funds to service debt obligation
Sufficient funds to support existing programs
Sufficient funds to establish new programs
GOAL II. To provide for economic utilization and preservation of the water of the Sabine River by increasing the utilization of the high quality and abundant water supply, within the Sabine River Basin of Louisiana, for municipal, industrial, agricultural and recreational uses.
OBJECTIVE II.(A): By the year 2013, the Sabine River Authority will ensure that the annual average hydrostatic head level of the Chicot 500 foot sand aquifer will be maintained at no more than 115 feet in order to protect the groundwater supplies of the Chicot aquifer from depletion by providing sufficient fresh water to meet the industrial and agricultural needs.
STRATEGY II. (A). 1: Provide fresh water, through the Sabine River Diversion Canal, to industrial, municipal and agricultural users within the Chicot aquifer.
STRATEGY II. (A). 2: Insure continued preventative maintenance is performed on the Sabine River Diversion Canal system.
PI 1: Percentage of measurements above 115 feet below land surface
PI 2: Revenue from sale of water from canal system
PI 3: Billions of gallons of water provided
Input: Annual resource allocation
Output: Amount collected from sale of water from canal system
Number of gallons of water diverted from canal system
Outcome: Hydrostatic head level of Chicot 500 foot sand (feet below surface)
Total revenue collected from sale of water from canal
System Efficiency: Hydrostatic head level of Chicot 500 foot sand no more than 115 below land surface (yes/no)
GOAL III. To improve the economic and social conditions within the Sabine River Basin.
OBJECTIVE III. (A): To maintain the number of visitors to recreation sites to at least 175,000 and by the year 2013, increase the Toledo Bend area visitors to recreation sites by 10%.
STRATEGY III. (A). 1: Operate, maintain and improve nine multi-service recreation areas on Toledo Bend Reservoir.
STRATEGY III. (A). 2. refurbish and update existing recreation area facilities, as well as add additional services to accommodate the outdoor recreation enthusiasts.
STRATEGY III. (A). 3. Operate recreation sites with an excess of revenue over direct operating expenses.
PI 1: Number of recreation site visitors
PI 2: Revenue from recreation site visitors
PI 3: Operating expenditures for recreation sites
PI 4: Net cost per recreation site visitor
Input: Annual resource allocation
Output: Number of visitors
Amount of revenue received from visitors
Amount of expense from operating recreation sites
Efficiency: Cost per recreation site visitor
Number visiting at recreation sites
OBJECTIVE IV. (A): By the year 2013 improve the economic conditions of West Central Louisiana by 10% in lake area hotel/motel tax collection and City of Many sales tax collections.
STRATEGY IV. (A). 1: Provide multi-media advertisements and brochures throughout the United States promoting visitation and the inducement of retirees to locate/relocate to West-Central Louisiana.
STRATEGY IV. (A). 2: Operate and maintain the Tourist Information Center at the Pendleton Bridge, Many, Louisiana.
PI 1: Percentage increase in lakeside hotel/motel occupancy tax over previous year.
PI 2: Hotel/motel tax collections
PI 3: Percentage increase in Many sales tax collections over previous year.
PI 4: Many sales tax collection
Input: Annual resource allocation
Output: Amount of hotel/motel tax
Amount of Many sales tax
Outcome: Percent increase in hotel/motel tax
Percent increase in Many sales tax
GOAL IV. To strengthen SRA’s working relationships with Sabine River Basin residents, communities, businesses, and leaders at all levels of government by managing, jointly with the SRA of Texas, Toledo Bend Reservoir in a manner that benefits all stakeholders within the basin.
OBJECTIVE V. A. Re-license the Toledo Bend Project with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) by the year 2013.
STRATEGY IV. (A). 1: Provide effective communications within the organization and with the public to educate them on the operations of Toledo Bend Reservoir.
STRATEGY IV. (A). 2. Develop a re-licensing team with the SRA-Texas
OBJECTIVE VI. (B): Mitigate claims that result from flooding downstream of Toledo Bend Reservoir.
STRATEGY IV. (B). 1: Establish policies and procedures for downstream development on the Sabine River.
STRATEGY IV. (B). 2.: Pursue grants for purchasing flood lands and support legislation that protects SRA from litigation as the result of dam operations and/or failure.
PI 1: Maintain Toledo Bend Reservoir at or above 168 msl.
Input: Annual resource allocation
Output: Days operated below 168 msl
Outcome: Percent of time at or above 168 msl
I. Principal Clients and Users of the Sabine River Authority Program.
The Sabine River Authority has only one program, Sabine River Authority Program; “To provide for the economic utilization and preservation of the waters of the Sabine River and its tributaries by promoting economic development, irrigation, navigation, improved water supply, drainage, public recreation, and hydroelectric power for the citizens of Louisiana.” Benefits of the program will accrue to the private sector, public sector, and the society at large in the areas of economic, social, and environmental benefits.
II. Potential external factors that are beyond Sabine River Authority’s control that could significantly affect the achievement of its goals or objectives.
1. Deregulation of the Electric Utility Industry.
2. Renegotiations of the Power Sales Agreement with utility companies.
3. Inadequate inflow of water into the Sabine River, due to drought conditions, will result in decreased revenues from hydropower generation, tourism, and recreation.
III. Statutory requirement or other authority for each goal of the plan.
1. In 1950, the Legislature of the State of Louisiana created the Sabine River Authority, State of Louisiana, by Act 261 of 1950, amended by Act 432 of 1956, and shown as Louisiana Revised Statutes Title 38, Section 2321, et. Seq., as amended. The voters of the State of Louisiana, on November 8, 1960, passed Amendment No. 8 to the 1921 Constitution of the State of Louisiana, (Article 14, Section 45), which ratified the creation of the Sabine River Authority and gave it constitutional status. These provisions were subsequently transferred to La. R.S. 38:2321, et. Seq., after adoption of a new constitution in 1974.
2. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) license No. 2305, Article 35 ordered; “The Licensees shall construct, maintain and operate or shall arrange for the construction, maintenance and operation of such recreational facilities including modifications thereof, such as access roads, wharves, launching ramps, beaches, picnic and camping areas, sanitary facilities and utilities, as may be prescribed hereafter by the Commission during the term of this license upon its own motion or upon the recommendation of the Secretary of the Interior or interested State agencies, after notice and opportunity for hearing and upon findings based upon substantial evidence, that such facilities are necessary and desirable, and reasonably consistent with the primary purpose of the project.”
IV. Program evaluations used to develop objectives and strategies.
1. “Recommendations to participate in the development of plans to develop leisure time and entertainment opportunities on the Louisiana Boundaries of Toledo Bend Lake.” Whittington and Associates, February 21, 1992:
2. “The Economic Impact of Toledo Bend Reservoir,” Economic Research Associates, October 1995:
3. Surveys sent to SRA Board Members, Employees, Marina Operators, South Toledo Bend Civic Association, and Toledo Bend Lake Association; 1995 – 1996.
4. “Development Plan for Toledo Bend,” Planning and Research Associates, Inc., 1974.
5. “Feasibility Report and Master Plan – the Toledo Bend Reservoir,” Forest and Cotton, 1964.
6. “Land Use Management and Area Development Plan for Toledo Bend Reservoir Area,” Gulf States Research Institute, 1968.
7. “Toledo Bend Reservoir: A Study of User Characteristics, Patterns and Preferences,” Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin No. 675, Bertrand and Hoover, August 1973.
8. “Market Analysis and Feasibility Study for an 18-Hole Golf Course,” Study for SRA, James Dobson and Associates, 1992.
9. “Retirement and Tourism Opportunities as Economic Development Initiatives for Northwest Louisiana During the Early Twenty-First Century,” Louisiana Tech University, Research Division, College of Administration and Business, May 1992.
V. Primary persons who will benefit from or be significantly affected by objectives within the plan.
OBJECTIVE I: The private and public sector of West Central Louisiana.
OBJECTIVE II: Industrial, municipal, and agricultural water customers in Southwest Louisiana.
OBJECTIVE III: Residents and recreational users of the Toledo Bend Reservoir.
OBJECTIVE IV: The private sector, public sector, and society at large in West Central Louisiana.