Welcome to Sabine River Authority of Louisiana

Current Lake Levels

Updated: 2025-03-25 07:00:00

Generation Schedule

Date/Time: 2025-03-25 06:00:00
Current Flow: 13500.00 CFS
Generator 1: Run 16 hrs - 06:00 to 22:00
Generator 2: Run 22 hrs - 00:00 to 22:00
Spillway Gates: Closed
If the spillway gates are Open, except for downstream flows, the road, and recreation area below the spillway, will be CLOSED!


Upcoming Meetings – March 27, 2025
📍Cypress Bend Resort

Parks Committee: 10:30 AM

Finance Committee: 11:30 AM

Board Meeting: 1:00 PM

Please see agendas on the Board page for more details.

The SRA admin office is located at 15091 Texas Hwy.  The hours of operation are as follows; Mon – Thur, 7AM to 5PM.  It is advised to call ahead of your visit to be sure someone is on staff to meet your needs.  (e.g. financial, shoreline, personnel)



Sabine River Authority of Louisiana

We would like to welcome you to the official web-site of the Sabine River Authority, State of Louisiana. Our residents are proud to boast that Toledo Bend Lake offers a unique experience in fishing, recreation and quality of life.

The mission of the Sabine River Authority is to enhance the lives of every resident of Toledo Bend by working together with all stakeholders to provide a better quality of life and a healthy atmosphere for growth and development….in three words, “Progress thru Unity”.


Whether you are looking to relocate and want to know more about our area, planning a visit and want to schedule your sightseeing, or looking to do business in our area and need logistical information, I hope you will find our web-site listings as welcoming as our community.


Considering moving when you retire? Retire to beautiful Toledo Bend Lake. Think of a place where the climate is mild, the people are warm and the fishing and recreation is hot. Please also take the opportunity to visit the Sabine Parish website at www.toledobendlakecountry.com, or the Sabine Parish Chamber of Commerce web-site at www.sabineparishchamber.com.


Thank you for visiting the Sabine River Authority’s web-site and if you cannot find the information you need, please contact us at 318-256-4114 or 800-259-LAKE (5253)

If you are having difficulty viewing content or navigating through our web site please contact our Web Accessibility Coordinater.  Call during normal business hours – Mon — Thur, 7AM – 5PM

                          (318) 256-4112 or send an email to srala-toledo@la.gov